What is OOH? It actually stands for Out of Home Advertising. The first topic that we discussed in our Emarke Class. Would you believe that the OOH Advertising already started from prehistoric period? Just look at these photos.

Examples of these are:

Street Furniture

Transit Advertising

OOH has its advantages:
Geographical Flexibility
Product Awareness
And of course, it also has its disadvantages:
Creative Limitations
Media Environment
More or less 70% of brand decisions are made in the store. Therefore, Point-of-purchase (POP) advertisement is important. An in house advertiser uses signs, displays, and other techniques of attracting attention and promoting products at their location of sale.
The ADboard or the Advertising Board of the Philippines, which is composed of eight national organizations involved in advertising that are unified together to uphold the progress of Philippine advertising through self-regulation. Being the umbrella organization of the advertising industry, its mission is to practice world class advertising along with advocating professional ethics through responsible and truthful advertising.
The following are the national organizations which composes Adboard
• Philippine Association of National Advertisers (PANA)

• Association of Accredited Advertising Agencies-Philippines

• United Print Media Group (UPMG)

• Outdoor Advertising Associations of the Philippines(OAAP)

• Advertising Suppliers Association of the Philippines (ASAP)

• Cinema Advertising Association of the Philippines (CAAP)

• Marketing and Opinion Research Society of the Philippines (MORES)

• Independent Blocktimers Association of the Philippines(IBA)

Eight frameworks which standardizes the structures and operating practices of outdoor advertising displays.
1. Avoid installing billboards/advertisements of competing products or firms side by side or on the same line of vision.
2. All outdoor signs must be properly identified.
3. Temporary structure erected on proposed locations to identify the actual site of construction must be respected.
4. Avoid the installation of a board to cover another board.
5. As to outdoor advertising copy, it shall not in any way contain a statement or convey messages or visual displays that are:
6. Obscene or offensive to public decency;
7. False, misleading or deceptive; Offensive to the moral standards of the community; and
8. Violative of any national or local law.
Here are some of the OOH video to watch:
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