Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Consumer and Trade Promotion

I just want to make a summary of this topic which unfortunately where not able to discuss due to lack of time.

Consumer promotions are promotions with the use of tools like samples, coupons, cash refunds, price packs, premiums, advertising specialties, patronage rewards, point-of-purchase displays and demonstrations, and contests, sweepstakes and games which are targeted towards end consumers or end users of the products. On the other hand, a trade promotion is directed towards the retailer and wholesaler. The point of a trade promotion is to persuade resellers to carry a brand, give it shelf space, promote and push it. The tools used for consumer promotions can also be used as trade promotions. In addition, manufacturers will do things like offering discounts off list price, advertising allowances and display allowances as trade promotion tools.

For sure, you guys are already familiar on how does the tools used in consumer promotions looks like.

Below is an example of a well made consumer and trade promotion in the internet. I found it in you tube. Enjoy!

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