What is a Podcast?
The first time I heard it, the first thing that pops into my head was the iPod. Well, they both have the word “pod” that makes them sound alike.
Good thing, it’s one of the topics that we need to discuss in Emarke, Raf Ochoa was the assign reporter. In a way, he was able to shed some light on what Podcast is all about. Below is just a summary of his report. Guys, I hope that your able to pick up something.
A podcast is a media file that is distributed over the Internet using syndication feeds (RSS) for playback on mobile devices and personal computers. It is simply an internet radio show. It’s nothing more than an audio file (usually mp3) that is downloaded via the internet.
…why call it podcasting?
- The term "podcasting" was first mentioned by Ben Hammersley in The Guardian newspaper in a February 2004 article, along with other proposed names for the new medium.It is a portmanteau of the words "pod"—derived from iPod, a brand of portable media player produced by Apple Computer (now Apple)—and "broadcasting".
- It has never been necessary, despite the source of the name, to use an iPod or any other form of portable media player to use podcasts; the content can be accessed using any computer capable of playing media files.To avoid a term suggestive of "iPod", some use the term netcast instead of podcast. A backronym has been posited where podcast stands for "Personal On Demand broadcast
Understanding Syndication- RSS
Podcasting involves a set of rules known as RSS (Really Simple Syndication). RSS allows podcast content to be syndicated instantly on the Web. In 2004, the RSS format was combined with aggregator software to check RSS-enabled web pages for new audio content (Podcasts) and keep users up to date on content.
Users had the option to have that content delivered directly to their home computers, and ultimately, their digital media device or MP3 player.

How to get the Podcast?
Choosing an Aggregator
1st: An aggregator or feed reader is software that uses a web feed to retrieve syndicated web content such as weblogs, podcasts, vlogs, and mainstream mass media websites.
- iTunes
- Bloglines
- Google Reader
How to Subscribe
iTunes> Advance Menu> Subscribe to Podcast > then enter the url for the podcast directory you are subscribing to.

Benefits of Podcasting
- Reach a new audience
- You can reach a niche audience.
- Highlight your authority
- Build a relationship with your listeners
- Increase advertising potential
- Respond to customer feedback.